Health Benefits of High pH Water
Due to the industrial excesses of modern society, our water has been “treated” with so many chemicals in order to make it “safe” that it has been rendered a lifeless, tasteless liquid. Chemically, it is still H2O but the positive qualities of water found in nature have been lost. Ironically, many of the chemicals used to make our lifeless water “safe” such as chlorine make our water toxic!
The good news is that toxic, lifeless water can be restored to its healthy natural form. By filtering out toxins, and ionizing water you can transform tap water into the healthy ionized water that is found only in a few places on Earth. Ionized water is charged with antioxidant hydroxyl ions, which have a negative electrical charge. This kind of water is experienced in nature at Hawaiian waterfalls. In the presence of those falls, you can smell the negative ions coming off the water and mixing with the air around you. It is a beautiful experience that invigorates you with every breath.
The hydroxyl ions generated by water ionizers and given off naturally by Hawaiian waterfalls are antioxidants. Water ionizers concentrate needed minerals, such as calcium, potassium and magnesium in water during the ionization process. This process returns water to its natural state, identical to water found in glaciers.
When water is ionized its surface tension is reduced, the static “stickiness” created by chemicals used to “treat” water is eliminated. This process is known as micro-clustering and it makes ionized alkaline water actually become “wetter” than ordinary water by reducing the number of water molecules that are linked together! Alkaline water provides better hydration than tap water, bottled water and reverse osmosis water. None of them have had the naturally hydrating effect of the micro-clustering that comes from ionization. This wonderful, wetter water can improve health and even improve flavors in cooking and enhances the tastes of drinks like coffee and tea.
I am most concerned with its health applications. People need to drink more water. We are clearly a dehydrated society. Next to the air we breathe nothing is more needed by the human body than water. Why not drink the best water available and at the same time embrace a technology that eliminates the ecological disaster of plastic water bottles by creating healthy water in your home or office?
Peter L. Kopko, D.C.,
Chief Science Advisor
Restores the pH Balance in the Body
Alkaline water can neutralize the acidity of the body caused by stress, modern diet, air pollution and many bottled waters. One of the ways the body protects itself from being destroyed by acids is by storing the acid in fat cells. A higher pH in the body reduces the need for fat and cholesterol to protect the body from damaging acids.
Weight Loss
Research by Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, suggests that the epidemic of obesity in the industrialized world is result of acidity in the body.
The body creates fat cells to trap and neutralize acids in the system.
- The modern diet of meats, grains and beverages, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol is extremely acidic.
- Some acids are voided through urination, defeca- tion and perspiration, but many acids remain in the system.
- Excess acids in the body break down healthy tissue, so the body protects itself by creating a natural buffer of fat.
- Fat cells bind to acids. Some fat cells are voided from the system, but many fat cells are stored in the body, resulting in weight gain.
Traditional weight loss methods are doomed to fail.
- Reducing portion size of meals only minimally decreases acid intake.
- Reducing calories will not decrease the acidity of the body—and may increase it if large amounts of acidic beverages are included.
- Reducing fats in the diet will not reduce the acidity of the body or result in weight loss.
- Increasing the intake of meat will increase the acidity in the body.
- Exercise increases the production of acids, such as lactic acid. Many acids are released through perspiration, but some are retained by the system, causing pain in muscles.
Drinking alkaline water releases fats and creates weight loss.
- Alkaline water can reduce the body’s acidity and stop fat storage.
- Micro-clusters of ionized water help flush acid and toxins from the system.
- Once fat cells are not needed to store acids, the body will eliminate them—the fat melts away.
A healthy body causes weight loss, not the other way around.
- A healthy, non-acidic body will return to its natural, ideal weight.
- Freed of toxins, the body’s cells, tissues and organs achieve a healthier state.
- A detoxified, non-acidic body has more energy and vitality.
“Your body can and will—let go of the excess fat,” writes Dr. Young. “If your food and drink are alkaline (meaning, in basic chemistry, the opposite of acid), all that acid-binding fat will just melt right off. There will be no need for the body to hold on to it anymore.”
– Dr. Robert O. Young, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2005, p. 15.