Health Benefits of Clean Air
The quality of clean air should be one of the most influential reasons for long term health. Long term health for most Americans seems to be a fantasy they dream about but are unable to obtain. At JBA Environmental Solutions, we want to change your mind on the importance of obtaining purified air for your home or business.
The average person spends up to 90% of their time indoors (home or some building). It seems everyday our bodies are exposed to quantitative amounts of carcinogens, microbial viruses and other organic pathogens. During the energy crisis in the 1970s building construction practices changed – homes, offices, schools and all types of buildings are now insulated and sealed more tightly. This saves energy, but also can cause pollutants to be trapped indoors.
If you do not have an air purifier, you and your family’s lungs are the air purifier!
Dust Mites
Are you aware that 42,000 dust mites can live in one ounce of dust? Are you aware forty pounds of dust generated per year, per 1,500 square feet of space, can host up to 15 species of dust mites?
Are you aware that harmful bacteria are found in your heating and cooling system, house pets, garbage, bathrooms and everywhere else in your home?
Mold Spores
Are you aware that mold spores are found in your heating and cooling system, in damp clothing, cleaning materials, and the moisture in your ceilings, walls, carpets and drapes?
Some of the most polluted air you breathe isn’t downtown; it’s inside your home or business!
From the floor of the House of Representatives, indoor air pollution has been called our greatest environmental health problem.
“Indoor air pollution is America’s Number One Environmental Health Concern” – EPA
“50% of all illness is caused by indoor air pollution.” – EPA
“Indoor air pollution is wide spread. You are more likely to get sick from pollution in your home and office than from pollution in the air outside.” – The American Lung Association
Making smart decisions regarding your health and wellness must extend beyond diet and exercise, but extend to the air we breathe each day. So, let JBA Environmental Solutions educate you on the ways how purified air can change you and your family’s health for years to come.